Our Approach

Your home or place of business is a system. Your appliances, equipment, and devices interact with you, the building envelope and the environment to define the profile of your energy consumption - electricity and gas. We will examine and measure your building, evalulate your equipment, and model the performance of the system. We will ask you some questions so that we understand how you use your building and its equipment. We will then look at simple steps you can take to reduce your energy usage without sacrificing comfort or indoor environment health. We'll show you what it costs, and how each step pays for itself. Then it's up to you - just how far do you want to go in reducing your footprint?

Initially, this evaluation will be at no cost to you. We will look at your energy bills compared to the size and attributes of your building. We will recommend further steps based on the potential for energy savings. We will then work out a plan with you to make changes at your pace in a way that fits your budget and goals, making use of available incentives and rebates. Ideally, the work will pay for itself out of energy savings, so it won't increase your cash flow. We will recommend reputable contractors to do the work. We will follow up with you to be sure you're getting the results you expected.

Ready to get started? Fill out our service request form ...

Our Story

After decades of working in energy and power, we are positioning ourselves to help others in the Upstate of South Carolina find ways to reduce their power bills and carbon footprints. The big power-users like manufacturing and industry already are on top of their power use, but how about the small businesses and individual homeowners? Where do they start? What to do first? How can they be sure their steps will be effective? Let us take a look and put engineering skills and building science to work for you.


Meet the Team

An army of one? Well, the longest journey starts with one step ...




Stan Widener

Owner, Consultant

Stan is a Mechanical Engineer with 38 years of experience in design of power equipment, engines, and gas turbines. He has always had a passion for energy conservation, efficiency, and alternate energy. He has recently equipped, trained and certified to perform home energy audits, whole-house leakage tests, and HVAC duct leakage tests, so that retrofit recommendations are based on science.